The Support After Completion

In general, our various projects end after a fixed period of time. However, if necessary, some projects are followed up after completion. Such additional cooperation is referred to as a “Follow-up Cooperation,” which can be divided into two types:

o    The first type is cooperation that supports communities in developing countries in solving problems with facilities or equipment being used in completed projects.

o    The second type of cooperation provides additional support that will add some value for the partner community to boost the effect of a completed project. 

Follow-up Cooperation also includes support for ex-participants of technical training programs. We have accepted more than 120 training participants from developing countries in the USA since our establishment. These participants will lead the future of their own communities and it is not an exaggeration to say that they are valuable human resources who act as a bridge between us and their own communities in developing countries. 

It is essential to maintain and develop friendships with those who have a better understanding and it is also important for us to support their self-discipline and activities even after they return to their home countries so that they can continue upgrading the skills and knowledge they acquired in the USA.